
5 Signs It’s Time to Consider Rehab

Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious problem that can affect anyone of any walk of life. Despite the ubiquity of such issues as well as the large amount of promotion for recovery options, it’s not always so easy to identify when you or a loved one might be struggling. Some issues are simply harder to spot than others.

Whether your problems stem from drugs or alcohol, legal or illegal substances, there’s always the chance to get the assistance you need. In an effort to help you and those you care about heal, here are five signs it’s time to consider rehab.

1. Impaired Everyday Function

Probably the most obvious sign that your addiction has reached a point where you can no longer deal with it alone is that it impairs your ability to function on a day to day basis. Simply put, if you can’t get through the day without indulging in your substance of choice and that indulgence puts you out of commission for so long that you can no longer function normally, you might need some help.

This doesn’t have to be an everyday occurrence, either. Even just the occasional binge is evidence enough of a problem. While drinking a little too much at dinner, for example, isn’t that bad in isolation, if it becomes something of a recurring problem that leaves you too hungover to work the next day or impairs your ability to make it through the rest of your responsibilities afterward, that’s not normal.

2. Others Keep Reaching Out

While the decision to seek help is a personal one and needs to be predicated on your own wishes to really be effective, what others who care about you say can also be a good indicator as to how things are going. If your friends and family are constantly telling you you need help, for instance, they might be onto something.

Sometimes it’s people on the outside who can more easily see what’s happen to us, so it’s good to listen to the concerns of others who care for you. As mentioned before, you shouldn’t base your decisions entirely on what others say, but asking those you trust about your substance you and whether or not they think it’s time to look for help can be a good way of taking stock of where you’re at.

3. Hiding How Much You Use

One sign of a problem is that you feel compelled to hide how much of a substance you’re using. It’s not unusual for an adult to drink alcohol every now and then, but if you’re worried about being judged because of how much you’re drinking, that’s likely your mind trying to tell you something.

There’s always the exception to this, such as the ill-advised Super Bowl blowout you probably don’t want your coworkers finding out about, but if hiding and secrecy is a normal thing for you, it might be time to look at your habits. Ask yourself why you feel the need to hide something and whether or not it’s worth it to do so.

4. Addiction Steals Time

Even if your addiction is confined to just your free time, it can still be a major issue. It’s not uncommon for many serious addicts to say that the bulk of their time not spent on other things is dedicated to their addiction, often at the expense of spending time with family, working on hobbies, or similar things.

This is especially notable if the people in your social circle also use substances, as that would mean you’re using far too much compared to other users. A binge drinker among those who enjoy going to bars, for example. Essentially, if even others who might have an issue seem to be small potatoes in comparison, you might have a problem.

5. Rehab Sounds Like the Answer

At the most fundamental level, if rehab sounds like an appealing option to you, that in and of itself might be a sign to look for treatment. Even if we don’t want to admit it, there can be times when these sorts of thoughts know better than the rest of us. It’s also not uncommon to consider rehab some time before you actually decide to get help.

Ultimately, choosing to get help is a personal decision that isn’t always so easy or clear cut. Use these five signs that you might need to take that step as a guide on your journey to recovery. There are a ton of differnet types of addiction treatment programs and inpatient drug rehab Colorado, so there’s always options even if one doesn’t seem to work out.