3 Ways Flying Flags Outside Helps Improve Your Mental Health

There are many different types of flags that you can fly outside of your home, office, or organization. Large flagpoles can be installed to fly larger flags. There are garden-sized flags that are easy to fly on a small pole that is pushed into the ground. You can also install a smaller flagpole on the side of a building. Whatever method you choose, flying flags outside has the potential to improve your mental health. Let’s look at three ways that flying flags outside helps improve your mental health.


1- Sense of Community


Connecting with others in your community is a great way to boost your mental health. When you fly a flag outside your residence or business, you’re showing your support for a demographic of people of some sort. An American flag symbolizes your pride in your country. You can also fly flags for your family’s heritage, for gay pride, or for another cause. By embracing a sense of community, you will feel like you belong and are embracing your role and purpose in society.


You may find that once you start flying your flag, other people reach out to you to show their support as well. This is a great way to connect with other like-minded people. It’s important that we have people to turn to when we’re struggling, and this is a simple way to see what other people in the community feel the same way you do.


2- Embracing Who You Are


Too often we feel like we must make ourselves feel smaller to fit in. We fail to express who we truly are. When you fly a flag that means something to you, this shows other people that you are embracing who you are. Whether your flag represents your heritage or your sexuality, embracing who you are can boost your mental health by truly accepting yourself and not worrying about what other people think about you.


3- Raising Awareness and Developing a Sense of Purpose


You can fly a flag as a way of bringing attention to a specific topic or situation. For example, if you feel very passionate about suicide prevention or mental health causes, you can fly a flag that represents this. After a loved one passes, you can fly a flag in their memory as a grieving or remembrance method. Even if people aren’t immediately aware of what your flag means, they may take the time to research its meaning. This can point them in the right direction of learning more about a cause that is so important to you. They may even reach out to you to find out more, and you can provide them with important resources.


Mental health is something that is so important to our society. It is estimated that globally, as many as 970 million people struggle with their mental health in some way. This includes things like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s important that we focus on maintaining our mental health while showing support for others as well.