In the mad rush of leveling up against our contemporaries, how often do we spare time for an early morning walk or an asana? It is okay not to have a body that can sustain an ultra-marathon, but there is no harm in reserving an hour or less for cardiovascular exercise. Work is essential, so are health-driven goals.
Youngsters today weigh more and have a higher body mass index than their peers of the preceding generation. To be healthy, physical activity is a must to improve motor skills and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression. Exercise benefits the brain and improves work efficiency. Let us see how fitness can help us achieve a stimulating career.
- Knocks Down Fatigue
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Long hours at the desk sap one of the energies. The stereotypical 9-to-6 has all the possibility to push us into a mental crash. Researchers at the University of Georgia did investigate the rising levels of stress and checked out the effect of exercise in treating exhaustion and lethargy. The findings were interesting. Initiating exercise to a few tired participants caused a 20 percent drop in tiredness for six weeks. Dietary supplements and CBD vape pens for pain relief and help reduce fatigue-causing anxiety and depression.
- Reduces Risk of Injury
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Regular exercise ushers a sense of positivity on health. It contributes to bone density, muscle strength and brings flexibility in physical movement. Physical fitness also reduces the risk of accidental injuries in old age. Stronger muscles cutbacks the chances of slip and fall, and stronger bones reduce the odds of bone injuries.
- Saves Money on Treatment
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an exciting finding. 7 out of 10 deaths in the United States happen due to chronic diseases. Treating the same accounts for 86% of the cost of healthcare in the U.S. The bottom line is clear. Treatment of diseases is an expensive proposition. To reduce the risk of contracting a disease, leading a healthy lifestyle is essential. Making healthy lifestyle choices such as pursuing physical fitness paves the way for a healthy future and prunes expensive medical costs.
- Increases Longevity
Untimely demise is a risk we all run into. While nothing can stop the inevitable, your lifestyle habits in the form of physical activity can reduce the foreseeable. There is no magic formula behind increased life span as a result of improved fitness. Yet, people who tend to be more active become healthier, fitter, and live longer. Our diet, rest, and relaxation methods also help in enhancing life and longevity.
- Betters Health
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Undergoing physical fitness does a lot for the body and mind. Severe and chronic ailments like hypertension, heart attack, migraine, depression, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer cannot affect you, provided you are a regular in fitness practice. It also promotes stronger muscles, bone health, and a healthy weight.
Guidelines for Physical Activity
Here are some elementary tips to improve your health and fitness score on a long-term basis.
- Do 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise a day. It will help to maintain health and reduce the risk of looming health problems.
- Devote two days a week to muscle-strengthening activities.
- Walk and cycle the most. Resist the urge to take out your car for short distances, like grocery and medicine stores, gyms, or for daily needs.
- Walk the kids to school. It will also inculcate the walking habit in them.
- Late risers can face drastic consequences on health. Fix a morning activity each day for yourself and your kids. It could be cycling, walking, running, or doing flea market chores.
- Undertake outdoor activities for yourself and your family. Running the rope, meditation, rugby, or baseball, engage your body and mind in a sports activity of your or your family’s choice. It helps promote group participation and chasing a goal.
- Start a self-guided initiative like a ‘walk and talk’ over the weekend with your friend and neighbors over art, politics, sports, artificial intelligence, new career opportunities. These are golden opportunities that promote a ‘fit health, fit mind’ philosophy.
- Self-confidence, when at a low, harms the career goals and job performance. Taking up a physical activity surely boosts the self-image through improved on-job focus and execution.
- National Physical Fitness and Sports Month are on May 1. It is a great time to get active. Chalk out the sports activities ahead of the day. Not just yourself, involve your family, friends, and social network to participate whole-heartedly on this day.
If you have delayed your movement due to the pandemic, now is the time to restart your gym, exercise, physical walk, and work. See common activities of every day as a good way to remain active and on toes. A healthier state of mind is a reflection of a healthy and fit body. The right career moves can only happen when the body is flexible and active round the clock. Start your day with this thought. Tomorrow will be healthy and in top form.