A Brief Guide to Seven Yoga Chakras

You are not a real yogi if you know nothing about chakras. So, if you’re a yogi, but still hasn’t heard about yoga chakras before, you have to read the article below, as the notion of chakra represents the idea of the whole yoga practice.

Let’s keep it simple and start with the notion itself. What is a chakra? A chakra is an energy center in the body. Overall, there are seven different energy portals, represented by different colors and feelings. Each energy center has its own chakras name and meaning, image of a lotus flower, sense, and a specific part in the body. Understanding the basics of it is very important for your future meditation practice in general.

So, let’s have a quick look at each of those seven chakras.

Chakras Guide for Beginners

There are seven basic chakras in the body, starting with the base of the spine and going up through the top of the head. Those seven energy centers are considered to be the doorways between mental, emotional, and physical bodies. So, keeping them in balance is very important for the inner connection of mental, emotional, and physical energy.

Let’s understand the chakra system from the very beginning.


  • Muladhara. This is the first energy center, which is also called a Root Chakra. It is the center of support and foundation. The color of Muladhara is deep red.
  • Svadhistana. The second center is known as a Sacral Chakra. It is a place of creativity, relating to people, pleasure, sexuality, intimacy, etc. The hue of Svadhistana is bright orange.
  • Manipura. It is a power center called a Solar Plexus Chakra. Imagine the color of golden Sun and the feelings of energy, power, influence, etc. This is all about Manipura – the center of vitality and activity.




  • Anahata. The fourth area is a Heart Chakra. It has a green hue and represents the heart. This is the center of giving and receiving love. Anahata reflects the feelings of caring, loving, calming, being open-hearted, confident, etc.
  • Vishuddha. The fifth center is a Throat Center colored in blue. It is the center of communication, speaking the truth, and feeling connected to people. It is not a one-way energy center of speaking only. It is also about the ability to listen to what people are talking about clearly.
  • Ajna. The sixth energy hub is the Third Eye Chakra. It is a center of visualization and imagination. Third Eye Chakra has the feelings of being insightful and intuitive. It is the place of thinking and opening to divine wisdom. The color is indigo blue.
  • Sahasrara. The seventh energy hub is called a Crown Chakra. This is all about connection to the universe and God. It is a spiritual chakra of divine connection. And it has a violet hue.


As you can see, chakras are something you can access every day by feeling certain emotions only. So, meditate to keep them and your whole body in balance.