Can Vitamin C Help With Weight Loss?

Vitamins are vital for one’s health and well-being. These are micronutrients essential for bodily functions, including fighting infections, regulating hormones, and wound healing. There are thirteen essential vitamins human bodies require to stay healthy—one of these is Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the water-soluble vitamins. Being a water-soluble vitamin means that vitamin C dissolves in water and is delivered to the body’s tissues but is not well-stored. Therefore, you must take vitamin C daily through healthy food sources, such as citrus, bell peppers, and more. You can also take Vitamin C supplements to ensure you reach the recommended intake daily. 

Numerous benefits are obtained through regular vitamin C intake. This may include protection against immune system deficiencies and reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases. It’s also known as an antioxidant that helps protect your cells against free radicals that may contribute to heart diseases, cancer, and other diseases. 

However, one of the prevailing questions about vitamin C nowadays is, ‘Can vitamin C help with weight loss?’ This article sheds light on this question and discusses vital information about vitamin C and its relevance to weight loss and other benefits it provides. Read on! 

Ways Vitamin C Supports Weight Loss  

Vitamin C helps the body efficiently absorb iron, making it an essential vitamin you should take daily, especially when losing weight. Iron supports the blood when delivering oxygen to the muscles of your body. And when there’s enough oxygen, the muscles can efficiently burn more fat.  

Vitamin C serves as a catalyst for energy production from fat molecules. A study indicated that individuals who took fewer amounts of vitamin C burned 30% less fat than those with an adequate amount of vitamin C while doing moderate exercise. The efficient conversion of fat to energy is possible by having sufficient vitamin C in the body. Therefore, fat burning becomes easier with regular intakes of vitamin C daily. 

Vitamin C And Its Effect On Metabolic Syndrome  

A fact worth mentioning is that the excess fat distribution concentrated around the belly could be a sign of metabolic syndrome. And metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance syndrome, is a combination of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and obesity. This syndrome increases one’s risk of having heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

According to a meta-analysis of observational studies, higher intake of Vitamin C is associated with lowered risks of developing Metabolic syndrome. Therefore, it is recommended, especially for people with metabolic syndrome, to have regular Vitamin C intake from healthy food sources or supplements to help lower the effects and risks of metabolic syndrome. 

Other Benefits Of Vitamin C Related To Weight Loss  

Vitamin C also benefits the body by lowering the risk of heart disease and helping manage blood pressure. Heart disease is among the symptoms of obesity, which remains one of the deadliest conditions worldwide. High cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease.  

According to a study, vitamin C may help minimize the risk of developing heart disease. The study had 293,172 participants who took a daily dose of 700mg of vitamin C. The study showed that after 10 years, individuals who took vitamin C regularly had a 25% lower risk of heart disease than those who didn’t.   

Aside from helping minimize the risk of developing heart disease, vitamin C may also help reduce blood pressure. An analysis of 29 human studies discovered that vitamin C intake reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure in healthy adults and adults with high blood pressure. 

Recommended Vitamin C Intake   

While vitamin C is essential to the body, getting too much isn’t good either. The human body cannot produce or store vitamin C, so it’s vital to get it from the best food sources or supplements. You can get vitamin C from strawberries, broccoli, red pepper, and other food sources.   

There are different levels of the recommended intake of vitamin C for various people. Men need 90mg, and women’s daily intake should be 75mg of vitamin C. Pregnant women increase it to 120mg daily. At the most, adults should only have up to 2,000mg per day. While large amounts of the vitamin don’t seem harmful, substantial dosages can cause nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches, and more.  


Vitamin C is crucial for one’s overall health. With regards to weight loss, it helps the body efficiently absorb iron to aid the conversion of fat into energy, lowering a person’s body mass index. It also has benefits such as lowering blood pressure and minimizing the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, it protects your body’s immunity so you can continue working on your fitness goals. Ensure you get your daily vitamin C from good food sources and supplements.