The Panorama test is one form of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) that pregnant women can have at the 9-week stage, which looks at fetal chromosomal abnormalities, and this test can distinguish between the mother and child, allowing for a 99% accuracy rate. Millions of women around the world entrust the Panama test, which is a reflection of its accuracy, and the fact that this test outperforms all others in its field.
- Down Syndrome – The Panama test screens for Down Syndrome, and with an accuracy rate of 99%, there is no better test available to screen for this condition. The test manages to distinguish between mother and fetus, eliminating false positives, and it is the most reliable and accurate test there is for Down Syndrome.
- Other Conditions – The Panama test can be found at, a leading medical practitioner that carries out the test using your blood. The test can detect a molar pregnancy, triplody and vanishing twin, and this non-invasive test can be taken at the 9-week stage of pregnancy.
- Deletion Syndrome – The Panama test offers the highest detection rate of this microdeletion that can impact a pregnancy at any age.
- Multiple Pregnancy Types – The Panorama test can be used with singleton, twin, egg donor and surrogate pregnancies. Click here for information on how to prepare for 3D ultrasound, which is worth reading if you are pregnant.
Two Week Waiting Period
Your blood sample is sent to California to be tested and the results are issued 10-14 days after the sample is sent.
Chromosomal Abnormalities Panama Can Detect
The following abnormalities can be detected with the Panama test:
- Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
- Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome)
- Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)
- Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome)
- Sex Chromosome (aneuploidies)
- Triplody
Di-George Syndrome
This is a form of microdeletion when a small portion of the chromosome is missing moisture, and this can occur in pregnant women of all ages, which is different from Down Syndrome, which usually is present with older mothers. Here is some information about NIPT, which is a recommended read.
Cognitive Impairment
The microdeletion issues that can cause cognitive impairment include:
- Di-George Syndrome
- Prada-Willi Syndrome
- Angelman Syndrome
- Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome
- 1p36 Deletion Syndrome
Low Indication Results
If the Panama test results show a low indication, this means there is low risk that the baby will be affected by chromosomal abnormality, however, this is not a guarantee that your baby will be born strong and healthy, rather it is a risk indicator.
High Indication Results
If the Panama test indicates a high risk of chromosomal abnormality, that does not mean that your baby will be born with an impairment, and it is likely the doctor would refer you to a specialist for further examination and eventual diagnosis.
No Result
This can occur for one of two reasons; firstly, the blood sample was either insufficient or contaminated in some way, and the second reason is if the mother has an extremely rare condition that blocks the test, although this is very rare, but is does happen, and does not mean there is a higher risk of chromosomal abnormality.