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Do Probiotics Work? 4 Proven Health Benefits Of Taking Probiotics

Probiotics are “good” bacteria found in specific foods and supplements, but these organisms also exist in your gut. It’s essential to consume a sufficient amount of probiotics to reap their benefits. But, do probiotics really work?

The Efficiency Of Probiotics

You might be wondering, “How long does it take for probiotics to work?” These good bacteria may work fast or slow, depending on the factors involved. 

Probiotics can provide positive effects as quickly as a few hours after ingestion if the stomach doesn’t have a significant amount of acid. But, these bacteria might work slower if you’re experiencing health concerns that increase stomach acid. 

Nonetheless, consuming probiotics will give you benefits regardless of the period in which the positive results surface. Continue reading to know four of these proven health advantages. 

Balance The Digestive System

An imbalance of the digestive system can deliver numerous consequences, including:

  • Allergies
  • Cognitive problems
  • Obesity
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

But, a study in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences at the University of Hawaii states that regular consumption of probiotics can help restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the gut. Thus, consuming foods rich in these “good” bacteria can help your digestive system gain additional resilience against specific digestive problems. 

Another research, this time from the Harvard Medical School publishing, states that one of the benefits of probiotics includes improving the number of weekly bowel movements. Probiotics can help soften stools, thereby reducing the risks of constipation and improving overall gut health. 

Improve Brain Function

Probiotics aren’t only good for the gut, but they’re also ideal for maintaining and improving brain health. 

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), published a report wherein participants of a study gained improved brain function from the regular consumption of yogurt with probiotics. 

Also, a LiveScience post states that researchers suggest a connection between anxiety and probiotics. The article indicates that studies exist wherein laboratory mice demonstrated reduced stressful activities after probiotics consumption

These results indicate that consuming food options with probiotics may help the human brain respond to particular environmental factors with relaxed demeanors. Long-term probiotics consumption may also support therapeutic healing practices for patients experiencing anxiety-related symptoms. 

Maintain Heart Health

Probiotics may also help maintain excellent heart health as these “good” bacteria may help lower the low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or the “bad” cholesterol in the body. Aside from putting you at a higher risk of heart disease, high LDL may put you at danger of contracting health concerns like:

  • Stroke
  • Memory loss
  • Heart attack
  • Chest and stomach pains
  • Joint numbness

Include more probiotics in your diet to help lower the “bad” cholesterol in your body. As per a study published in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the National Institute of Nutrition, probiotics may help break down bile in the body to prevent the gut reabsorbing the substance. Otherwise, bile may enter the blood as cholesterol. 

Probiotics may also help increase high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or the “good” cholesterol in the body. These compounds may deliver extra health benefits, such as reducing the risk of high blood pressure and improving overall heart health.  

Improve Resistance Against Infection

Harmful bacteria may enter the body from wounds and other openings. These substances may infect healthy cells and tissues, which can lead to additional health complications. 

But, scientists from Purdue University stated in a report that probiotic bacteria could help protect the body against infection caused by harmful bacteria. The researchers said that adding protein and other components to probiotics provided a significant decrease in harmful bacteria that would otherwise infect a susceptible individual. 

The addition of protein helps the probiotic bacteria to interact with the surface of the intestines. But, this development doesn’t harm the intestinal walls. Instead, probiotics may help strengthen the organs to protect the body from harmful bacteria. 

Thus, regular probiotic consumption from healthy sources improves the body’s immune functions to resist infections from different sources. Hence, your body can combat more illnesses, such as psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Final Thoughts

Probiotics can provide health benefits like improved gut health, enhance resistance against infection, and maintain the heart’s well-being. But, make sure to consume these “good” bacteria from natural sources like yogurt, buttermilk, and miso. Generate high chances of reaping the health advantages brought by these organic probiotic bacteria sources. Moreover, consult your physician before consuming these products to reduce the risks of potential adverse effects. Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Be wary of the food you eat to reduce the chances of gaining complications from probiotic bacteria consumption.