Health Impact of Air Pollution and Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Research found that in 2015, air pollution cost Canadian families about $36 billion because of premature death and illness, according to CBC. Ideally, when you think about air pollution, several things cross your mind from industrial smoke to small particulate matter and fumes from automobiles. Many people also assume the air quality in their homes or at workplaces is perfect compared to outside. But that’s not the case as indoor air is full of pollutants carbon monoxide, lead, and asbestos particles.  

These air contaminants cause health effects that range from short to long term. Common disorders include allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, heart disorders, hypertension, and cancer. Fortunately, there are simple ways to improve indoor air quality in your home and reduce the common health risks that stem from pollution.  

Change Your Air Conditioning Filters 

Replacing AC air filters is one of the easiest ways of enhancing indoor air quality. A general rule is to change AC filters every three months, especially if you have pets. You should also consider shopping for the number one air filters from reputable stores specializing in air conditioning systems. That way, you can have an easy time purchasing the right filter sizes and types. Some stores offer delivery and installation services if you’re unable to do it yourself. 

When you change filters on a regular basis, this means your HVAC system will circulate clean, fresh, and healthy air throughout your home. As a result, everyone in the home will breathe easier and reduce the risks of catching the flu or a cold. For individuals with asthma and other respiratory allergies, maintaining clean filters will improve their lung health because they are breathing air free from pollen and dust particles.

Inspect and Clean Air Ducts 

Like air filters; dust particles, mold, and mildew can build up in ducts over time. When this happens, ducts distribute contaminated air throughout your home, increasing the risk of allergies. Periodic air duct cleaning is essential, as it promotes healthier living, especially for people with respiratory conditions like asthma.Even individuals who are healthy will benefit from ductwork cleaning because it removes air pollutants that trigger allergies, flu, headaches, fatigue, and sore throat. 

Deep Clean Carpets For Hidden Allergens

Apart from extending the life cycle of your carpet, there are several health benefits linked to professional carpet cleaning. Vacuuming alone cannot eliminate contaminants from carpets. After an extended period, bacteria, dirt, and other allergens will accumulate on the carpet fibers, making your home prone to respiratory triggers and breathing problems. 

You can hire expert carpet cleaners to help you remove dust mites, mold, and small particles from your carpeting, which will improve indoor air quality. This means occupants in your home inhale clean and fresh air and enjoy enhanced health free from colds, allergies, and asthma attacks. 

Controlling humidity in your home using dehumidifiers is vital for maintaining fresh air, especially during the summer months. Hot weather brings about humid and moist conditions that breed mold and mildew. As a result, you will experience respiratory diseases like asthma, coughing, and allergies. By placing humidifiers in your house, you can maintain perfect humidity levels, hence improve respiratory health.