
11 Superfoods Essential for a Healthier Lifestyle

Superfoods are trending
in the health and wellness community for good reason. The benefits of
superfoods have long been associated with improvement in brain cognition, heart
health, and the prevention of various diseases, including evidence that they
may help to prevent cancer. 

Superfoods are mostly
plant-based foods, in addition to some fish, that are nutrient-dense, making
them extra healthy. Superfoods typically have some combination of antioxidants,
amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, which ultimately provide the ultimate in
immune-boosting qualities. 

While superfoods don’t
have a technical food group designation, the term is widely used to
designate a group of foods that have a higher nutrient density than

Here are our top 11
superfoods and why you might want to include them in your meal planning this

Goji Berries 

Goji berries (Lycium
barbarum fruit) are a popular medicinal fruit and have been used for centuries
in Chinese medicine. Goji berries are rich in all eight essential amino acids. They possess other immune-boosting
nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, and

The berries are unique
in their slightly tart, slightly sweet taste. They’re often sold in packages
and dried since fresh goji berries are rare due to their delicate nature and
limited areas for growth. 

Goji berries are extremely
versatile and are utilized by many leaders in the health and wellness space
such as Herbalife Nutrition. 

Acai Berries

Acai berries are
arguably the newest addition to the antioxidant-rich berry choices.  

Tracing their origins to
the Amazon jungle, acai berries are believed to have the most antioxidants per
ounce of any berry.

While fresh acai berries
are rare to find outside of Central and South America, it’s easy to buy them (and
relatively inexpensive) from the frozen food aisle at your local market. They’re
also often sold as a juice or puree that’s delicious to add to your morning
cereal or yogurt. 


Keeping with our berry
recommendations, blueberries make our list for being one of the most accessible
superfoods. They also possess some of the most nutritional benefits. Similar in
nutrient density to acai berries, blueberries are very high in antioxidants.
They’re also rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, and potassium—the vitamins and
minerals a body needs to feel healthier, active, and potentially prevent

Blueberries are so
impressive that having one cup of them a week has been linked to lowering blood pressure and
possibly improving metabolism, according to The American Journal of Clinical

have also shown that blueberries are can prevent some cancers when they’re a regular part of a balanced diet. 

Blueberries are
available year-round in the frozen food section and even dried. Because they
provide an added boost of antioxidants and metabolism-boosting benefits, organic
blueberries are a delicious addition to your breakfast, lunch, or dinner meal if
you are on meal programs such as those recommended by Herbalife Nutrition or
other similar brands.


Almonds make our list
of superfoods because they are believed to be the most nutrient-dense nut on
the planet. 

Just one ounce of almonds (about 1 – 6 almonds) can contain 14% of the
daily fiber recommendation. Almonds are rich in iron, potassium, vitamin E, and

Almonds have also been
linked to a mindset of overall healthy eating. When tossed in a salad or
toasted as part of a dinner dish, almonds can help you feel motivated to stick
with your plan and continue to make other healthy eating and exercise choices

Spirulina and Chlorella 

Chlorella and
spirulina are algae and have been around for billions of years. Believe it or
not, these little organisms were around at the time of the dinosaurs and are
believed to be among the first life forms on Earth. 

Spirulina can grow
nearly anywhere, from the most extreme temperatures to the highest elevations.
Chlorella, on the other hand, is primarily grown in Japan and Taiwan and has
been used in Japanese cuisine for centuries. 

Here’s why these two
green beauties make our list of superfoods: 

Spirulina is made of
about 55-70% protein, which is more than beef, chicken, and soybeans, making it
an excellent vegan alternative protein source and one of the most
nutrient-dense foods in the world. 

Fun fact about
spirulina: After World War II, health officials planned for the algae to be a
worldwide food replacement when fears of a food shortage were running

Chlorella can
self-reproduce, making it a self-sustainable superfood. It’s also ridiculously
rich in protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B, and other antioxidants. 

To add chlorella and
spirulina into your health regimen is easy as taking a daily supplement or
adding a scoop of the powdered version to one of your protein or meal shakes. 

Just be sure to
double-check for any additives to make sure the spirulina and chlorella are

Broccoli Rabe

Broccoli rabe is
actually a member of the turnip family, while Broccoli is a member of the
cabbage family.

While these veggie
cousins share a name and share many similarities, broccoli rabe is actually one
of the most nutrient-dense vegetables on the planet. It’s chock full of
vitamins A, C, and K as well as fiber, calcium, iron, and potassium and is also
rich in antioxidant power-mineral lutein, believed to prevent damage to your retinas

Broccoli rabe is rich
in calcium, which has been shown to reduce the risk of hypertension and

Broccoli rabe is an
excellent addition to your dinner as a side dish baked, roasted, sautéed in
olive oil, or steamed. 


There’s a reason there
are so many dark, leafy greens on our list. The dark green color of vegetables
is indicative of well-known health properties. 

Kale is super dense in
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and is also rich with essential amino
acids. High and fiber and low in calories, kale is a perfect addition to any
weight-management program.

Kale went through a
bit of a trend but remained a popular superfood for several
reasons. Cooked kale is rich in more iron per ounce than red meat! Chopped
frozen kale is great to toss into a smoothie or sauce, and seasonal varieties
of kale are available year-round. 

Green Tea

Green tea is a lightly
caffeinated drink that possesses a wealth of medicinal and health

Originally sourced
from China, green tea is now grown widely around the world. It’s rich in
antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds that have been linked to
anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Green tea is
especially rich in an antioxidant known as catechin epigallocatechin gallate, or
EGCG, which is believed to be the compound that makes green tea a superfood. This
antioxidant has been linked to protecting against chronic diseases such
as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. 


Spices are superfoods, too, and one of the fastest and easiest ways to up the nutritional impact of your meal plan. 

Turmeric is linked to
being able to decrease inflammation naturally. In countries where turmeric is
regularly used in cooking (such as in India and some Southeast Asian
countries), studies have shown that there is a significant reduction in
diagnosed cases of cancer. 

Turmeric is comprised
of the chemical compound, curcumin, which has a lot of benefits and it is
easily added to spices, curries, teas, and even tossed into a smoothie for a bright,
vibrant gold color! The color is about all that changes, as it’s an incredibly
mild spice that tends to complement other spices and flavorings that it’s
paired with. 


Another essential
superfood spice is cinnamon. 

Cinnamon is sourced from
the bark of the cinnamon trees of Sri Lanka or Indonesia. Cinnamon is one of
the most common household superfoods that you may not have realized you already
include in your diet! 

Cinnamon is a perfect
addition to include in your health plan. Cinnamon contains the most antioxidant properties of any spice – and that includes garlic and
oregano, which have long been proposed to be super antioxidant-rich

Cinnamon has also been
linked to Alzheimer’s prevention

The natural “warming”
elements of cinnamon have been linked to reducing body fat, speeding up
metabolism, and helping to increase a lean body mass. 

Sprinkle some in your
morning coffee or tea, add it to your oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt—or toss a
pinch into your Herbalife Nutrition shake for an extra boost of
metabolism-boosting properties. 


Salmon is rich in
omega-3 fatty acids and contains 17 grams of protein per ounce, making it a
complete superfood protein that’s worth having at least once a week. 

Omega-3 fatty acids
have been linked to preventing cardiovascular disease. According to this study,
there is a link between having two servings per week to the prevention of heart
disease later in life.

There are some risks
around-consuming certain types of salmon, as farm-raised has been linked to a higher
toxicity level
. If you’re pregnant
or nursing, it’s essential to limit fish and shellfish to 12 ounces per week to
reduce exposure to mercury to your baby.

Frozen, wild-caught
salmon is easy to find in most grocer’s freezers and are easy to defrost and

Caution for Super-loading on Superfoods 

Before you add any of
these superfoods to your program, consult with a natural physician or
nutritionist to make sure there are no unintended side effects from combining
supplements with other medications. They can also help you determine if you
have any conditions that could be exacerbated by the addition of specific
vitamins and minerals. 

Superfood Nutrition for the Long Haul 

For anyone who embarks
on a healthy lifestyle, it can be overwhelming to feel the need to include everything.
Don’t worry! The superfoods on this list are all easily accessible, and many of
them contain the same antioxidants and vitamins in large quantities. 

For example, the aforementioned Herbalife Nutrition brand offers products that target many of the same nutrients as the most well-known superfoods, which means you’re sure to get the most balanced nutrition and jumpstart your immune system. 

We recommend slowly
introducing new superfoods into your meal plan or Herbalife Nutrition shakes. For
instance, including salmon with some roasted almonds as a dinner or lunch once
a week will provide an abundance of superfood nutrition and is an easy,
relatively inexpensive meal to throw together quickly. 

Including foods packed
with nutrients such as these superfoods is a great idea. Still, ultimately, the
key to a healthy weight management program is to consume a variety of
nutritious, high-quality foods and spices rich in vitamins, minerals, and
immune-boosting antioxidants. 

When in combination with a regular exercise routine can provide lifelong health benefits for your body and weight management goals.

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