When a parent finds their child is diagnosed with a learning disability, many questions flow through their mind. HealthyChildren.com knows what those questions are:
How will they cope with school?
What do I do and more importantly, what shouldn’t I do?
How do I make my child happy and help them have a full life?
Relax. Breathe. With encouragement and support, your child will build a vital sense of confidence and have a substantial foundation for success in life.
Every kid deserves love and support. For children with disabilities, positive reinforcement helps them know they have a strong, healthy confidence wrapped in the tenacity to keep moving forward when times get rough.
When you look for ideas to help children with learning disabilities, keep in mind you are seeking methods to assist them in helping themselves. Your task is not to “fix” the incapacity but to provide your child the psycho-social skills they need to overcome hurdles. Facing and defeating a challenge, such as a disability, helps your kid grow stronger — not to mention resilient.
How you act and react to the challenges will impact your child. A great view won’t solve the difficulties, but your child won’t develop faith and belief if you don’t display an upbeat attitude.
Keep everything in perspective and remember a disability isn’t insurmountable. Each person faces impediments, and it’s on you to show your child how to handle difficulties without being discouraged. Don’t let the school administration and unending paperwork keep you from what is necessary — providing your child with moral and emotional support.
Study and become your own best expert. Do the research and learn about developments in programs and therapies. Don’t get tempted to look to someone else for solutions, especially in the beginning. You are the authority on your offspring, so take charge.
Be your child’s best advocate by speaking up to get the help needed. Wrap your arms around your function as a proactive parent. It will be frustrating sometimes, but remain patient and consistent, and stay firm. You will make a difference in the life of your kid.
Your influence will outweigh that of others. Your child will watch your lead and if you address the challenges with optimism and hard work — with humor lent in — your child will adopt your perspective.
Focus on identified strengths. Your child is not their disability. While a learning disability may represent one area of weakness, there are other areas in which they are strong. Focus on your child’s gifts. Nurture the activities where they thrive and provide sufficient time for them.
By recognizing the different types of disorders, and the signs, you may pinpoint the challenges your child will face and locate a treatment modality which works.
HealthyChildren.com suggests talking about your child’s disability with family and friends — don’t keep it a secret. Even with the best intentions, hiding it looks like shame or guilt. Family and friends won’t understand the disability if they don’t know. You may be their only source.