ADVERTISEMENT. Nearly all American adults know what it’s like to live with at least some degree of digestive discomfort. Occasionally bloating, bulging, and other digestive issues are all-too-common.
But many people deal with even more intense degrees of digestive issues, and digestive diseases are responsible for millions of doctors appointments, hospital visits, and surgeries every year. A growing trend to help combat common digestive issues and even promote weight loss, in conjunction with diet and exercise, are probiotic supplements.
These little supplements are chock-full of good bacteria, and can help with a whole host of issues. Interested in getting started with probiotic supplements?
Here’s what you need to know about them, and four books you can read, to explore this growing trend.
Why probiotics supplements?
Probiotic supplements contain “good” or helpful bacteria, which are already found naturally in your digestive system. These good bacteria help your body break down food, absorb nutrients, and keep everything moving smoothly along.
But there are also “bad” bacteria in your gut, which can overtake those helpful bacteria. If your gut bacteria is out of balance, you can experience a wide range of symptoms, from digestive discomfort, to memory or mood symptoms.
Probiotic supplements are shown to help sooth digestive discomforts such as diarrhea and assist with weight loss if taken with proper diet and exercise. In fact, more and more adults take probiotic supplements as part of a reduced-calorie diet specially during the holidays to help avoid the winter weight gain.

Probioslim Probiotic Fat Burner is a Unique Twist on Probiotics
How to start taking probiotic supplements
If you’re eager to start probiotic supplements, make sure you find one that is a great fit for you. One of our favorites is Probioslim probiotic fat burner by Force Factor which helps in promoting proper digestion and healthy weight management, if taken with proper diet and exercise.
Force Factor ProbioSlim probiotic fat burner can help with reducing the unwanted bulge and it also supports healthy weight loss.
4 Topic Relevant Books to Explore This Growing Trend
This book combines cutting-edge neuroscience, with the most recent developments on the humane microbiome. Mayer discusses how we have all experienced the connection between our mind and our gut, and that this dialogue is recognized by many ancient healing traditions, but not as much by Western medicine.
In this book, Dr. Mayer offers a revolutionary look at this science, and teaches people how to take advantage of the mind-gut connection, and listen to the wisdom in our bodies.
This book is known as the definitive guide to healthy digestion, and it explains how your digestive system works, and what to do when it doesn’t. Dr. Lipski offers practical solutions to many common gastrointestinal disorders, and gives her exert guidance on the newest advances.
3. Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ, Giulia Enders
Enders argues that our gut is nearly as important to us as our brain, but we understand very little about how it works. Enders walked us through the digestive system in a very informative way, tells stories about how gut bacteria can lead to obesity and diseases, and educates readers about cutting-edge research.
4. Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living, Deepak Chopra
Dr. Deepak Chopra focuses on ailment-specific programs, which use traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat digestive orders. In his book, Dr. Chopra offers readers ways to overcome digestive issues in natural ways.