One of the most asked questions when it comes to the outcome of choosing to leave the European Union by so many young people is how will Brexit impact their ability to travel. Currently we are able to move freely throughout the EU without the need for a visa with an EU passport and this has given so many of us the opportunity to not only go on holiday to Europe but live and study there with ease to. Similarly, it is important to consider the fact that over half of all of those who travel into the UK for their holidays are from EU countries. The choice of the British people to leave the European Union is bound to have some negative side effects on both travel and the economy, but to what extent should we be worried?
There is a suggestion that leaving the EU will impact travellers in the fact that overseas travel will become more costly and complicated and will then mean more people may choose to stay in the UK rather than travel abroad for their holidays which, while it may suggest the money will be put back into the British economy, might actually do the opposite. It is suggested that we will be more likely to buy clothing or other goods for the house as a result. One of the other big worries is that the pound will continue to grow weaker and as a result holidays will get more expensive too.
All British citizens should be carrying a European Health Insurance Card, which entitles the bearer to free or significantly reduced cost healthcare when travelling through Europe. One of the biggest questions comes with regards to what leaving the EU will do for those who will need healthcare when abroad after Brexit is completed. It is likely that the negotiations will need to take place in order to finalise an outcome as to whether the EHIC will remain in use after Britain has left the European Union. For the mean time it is recommended to continue using the card until otherwise stated as negotiations could take years. Be sure to go about renewing your EHIC card as soon as possible as it is valid for 5 years.
The ability for Brits to work and study abroad has been made easy and accessible thanks to our membership in the EU. Brexit will mean that there are bound to be more restrictions and complications when it comes to the freedom of movement between the UK and European countries which could stop our ability to move around freely. Time will tell as to what extent this part of the Brexit negotiations will mean for those looking to live or study abroad, but it is proven to bring changes.
Ultimately it seems that the biggest fear for most people is the lack of certainty that comes with not knowing what Brexit will truly mean for us and our families. No one can truly predict what the outcome of leaving the EU will mean and that is why coming to firm conclusions with regards to what it will mean for travel is so difficult. You can be certain that things will change, whether for better or worse. Negotiations between our government and those in charge of the European Union will be crucial.