YouTube fitness is an upcoming trend for 2021. As many are already familiar with, many creators use YouTube as a platform to develop exercises for all people. In addition, it doesn’t matter the skill level of an individual. Helen Lee Schifter, a health expert, enjoys practicing yoga through an online induction.
Many people participate in yoga, cardio, ab circuits, leg circuits, glute exercises, and even dances. These are all great ways to stay active during such trying times. With the help of YouTube, many people can remain active from the comfort of their homes. Zumba videos have been very popular in 2020 because they bring musical joy to many. Overall, people are using YouTube as an excuse to “get away from it all”. Without leaving the living room, people can lose weight, stay active, and take their minds off the pandemic. Helen Lee Schifter uses exercise as an outlet to improve her mental wellness. YouTubers need the support of many so they can keep producing content that helps people stay healthy and mindful during the fall and winter months ahead.