Pretty smiling joyfully female with fair hair, dressed casually, looking with satisfaction at camera, being happy. Studio shot of good-looking beautiful woman isolated against blank studio wall.

5 Things You Need to Know Before Donating Eggs

Did you know that 1 in 10 couples have trouble conceiving?

Although there are plenty of reasons why people struggle with fertility, it’s always devastating for a woman to learn she can’t have a baby when she’s ready to start a family. One option that many couples consider is finding a healthy egg donor.

If you’re a fertile woman, there are plenty of benefits that come with donating eggs. However, it’s important to do your research before you make this big decision. If you want to learn more about the process, keep reading for 5 must-know facts.

1. Not Every Woman is Qualified to Donate Eggs

Since selling eggs can lead to a large paycheck, there are plenty of women who are interested in the process. The truth is only a very small percentage of women who apply actually qualify. To ensure the babies can be born strong, the eggs have to come from a woman who is in excellent health.

There are plenty of factors that clinics examine in candidates. BMI, age, education, sexual health history, and lifestyle habits are just a few things they consider. Reading more about how to become an egg donor can help you see if you’re qualified.

2. There Are Long, Intensive Screenings

If you don’t understand how to donate eggs, the process is a lot more involved than removing your eggs. Before you can donate, you have to go through multiple physical and mental health screenings to confirm you’re a healthy donor. Retrieving your eggs only takes around half an hour, but the entire donation process can last up to 6 weeks.

3. Every Woman Can Have a Different Donation Experience

Women can donate their eggs through a clinic, an agency, or a directed donation. Since there are pros and cons with each option, it’s important to take your time researching different local options to find your best match. 

4. You Need to Give Yourself Injections for Two Weeks

If you’re squeamish around needles, you might not be comfortable injecting yourself with the necessary hormones for egg donation. In order to retrieve the highest number of eggs, your body will need a constant supply of hormones to help your ovaries expand and grow more eggs. Egg donors must be dedicated to sticking with their doctor’s prescribed treatment plan to achieve a successful donation.

5. The Process Comes with Side Effects and Risks

While you’re injecting hormones into your body for two weeks, you can expect to feel side effects that are similar to getting your period. Bloating, cramping, nausea, weight gain, and mood changes are all normal side effects.

In rare cases, your ovaries may grow too large and rupture. Other rare but serious risks include internal bleeding, infection, kidney failure, stroke, fluid buildup, and fertility issues in the future. Finding a reputable clinic can help you avoid these risks.

Donating Eggs Can Be Rewarding in Many Ways

Now that you know more about donating eggs, you can decide if this is an opportunity that’s right for you. Aside from the competitive pay, you can also feel great about giving someone else the gift of life.

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