Many women forget that they are their child’s first and most important teacher. She will carry the lessons that she learns at home with her throughout the rest of her life. Therefore, it is essential that those lessons be positive ones. As a mom, you have a unique opportunity to shape the next generation through the lessons that you teach your daughter.
Learn from Your Mistakes
Strong women admit when they are wrong or seek help from others when in need. For example, if they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, they admit that they need help. A strong woman seeks proper treatment, even if it means visiting a rehab facility and checking themselves in for treatment. Check with a medical professional to get more rehab info and find the treatment center that’s right for you.
Your daughter needs to know that her value lies deep within herself. There may always be someone in her life that is speaking negative things over and to her. She needs to see that you do not listen to the naysayers but move on down your own path. Teach her that she should be able to lay down proudly at night because of what she has accomplished each day.
Value of Education
Teach your daughter the value of a good education, but teach her that education does not always come within the walls of a classroom. Spend time reading a book together where you are both learning about a subject she is interested in. Go on a field trip to a local museum, a farm or an educational event. Teach her that even after she graduates that she needs to keep a lifelong passion for all she can learn about the world.
One way how mom can set a good example is to find projects where you can volunteer together. Make some cookies and take them to an elderly neighbor or sort her clothes and help her take them to a place that distributes clothing to homeless people. Alternatively, volunteer at the animal shelter or help her raise money for a worthy cause. Your daughter needs to learn to have empathy for those less fortunate than herself.
Eat Right and Exercise
Moms need to teach their daughters to eat right and exercise. Create fun foods that are healthy. Limit the boundaries on the amount of candy and soda that she can consume. Take her with you on a run or to do some other form of exercise. Be careful, however, to not criticize her body as it changes, but rather emphasize being happy and healthy. The lessons that you are teaching now about taking care of her body will last throughout her life.
Set Boundaries
While you will want to let your child know how much they are loved, make sure to set boundaries. Enforce the rules in a loving manner when she breaks them. Practice tough parenting when you need to because she will internalize the message. Therefore, she will eventually set boundaries in her own life.
Your daughter should be one of the most important things in your life. Make sure that you are setting a great example before her. You are her most important teacher, so make sure that you are living up to your responsibility every day. There are lessons for daughters that she can learn only from you.