Given the rate at which many people are switching over to CBD cannabidiol as a more healthy, affordable and non-addictive alternative, a common question is “what is the correct CBD dosage for me? As discussed below, many interesting factors come into play and there is not a fixed guideline.
First, let’s start with an overview:
It all started here: A few countries are slowly legalizing marijuana not only for recreational purposes but also for medical purposes. Using Marijuana and hemp oil CBD for its healing aspect is still in its infancy but is steadily growing and extensive research on the components goes on. It is re-assuring that in the US, one can buy locally produced Hemp CBD oil and extract products that are GMP certified. One example of a leading and credible supplier in this area is TerraVida – read more about them. This means that consumers can confidently purchase locally produced CBD Oil products in the US without risking products that were produced with contaminated soil or pesticides, as is often the case in China and India.
Currently, numerous studies indicate that marijuana has healing components that can be extracted and separated. The process helps in eliminating the negative THC components that make people “high” and addicted.
One of the major extracts with therapeutic healing properties is cannabidiol (CBD). Although already in use, CBD is still at its infancy while scientists are still trying to develop an adequate schedule for CBD dosage. The predicament has made it difficult for physicians to prescribe CBD to patients thus making them a bit hesitant. They may refer patients to the drug but will not prescribe because of two main reasons:
- CBD consumable products have no recommended daily allowance (RDA) as well as universal dosage for everyone. Therefore, the drug cannot be prescribed.
- Pharmacology courses in most medical schools do not cover CBD therapy because most concentrate on substances that can be patented.
However, numerous studies have uncovered a tentative formula on how much CBD to take. Despite the studies, one fundamental factor to keep in mind is that everyone is different.
The difference in people
The difference in people makes a universally prescribed CBD consumables dosage for people close to impossible. These variances include:
- Body weight
- Metabolism
- Diet
- Genetics
- Environment
- CBD consistency in product each time they are made
Since there are many variables, then a predetermined prescription for CBD is next to impossible. It calls for both medical practitioners and patients to become creative. For instance, new patients being introduced to CBD treatment take the drug in small dosages. They continue to up the dose until they feel the drug has become effective. For patients taking this approach, it is imperative that they record their experiences in a notebook every day.
Some groups and organizations have also stepped forward by creating an official COR serving standard. They achieved this by analyzing hundreds of CBD products. It is not perfect but would act as a guideline for patients who wish to take CBD.
How much CBD oil should one take?
Most medical organizations suggest that Hemp CBD Oil Consumables dosages should be based on a number of factors. They include scientific research, the traditional use of CBD, publications and definitely, expert opinion. They also concur that CBD dosage and length of treatment depend on the kind of illness the patient is being treated for. The following CBD dosage estimates were obtained from a Mayo Clinic chart. It provides specific recommendations for various illnesses using extracts from the marijuana plant.
- Mobility constraints caused by Huntington’s disease – The patient should take 10mg of CBD oil per kilogram of body weight. The dosage runs for six weeks.
- Appetite loss in cancer patients – Patient is required to take 2.5mg of THC orally with or without 1mg of CBD for six weeks.
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Patients should treat symptoms with marijuana extracts containing between 2.5mg to 120mg THC/CBD for 2-15 weeks.
- Chronic body pain – Patients should orally take between 205-20mg of CBD with or without THC till the pain goes away
- Sleep complications – Treat with 40-160mg of CBD ingested orally till patient gets better.
- Epilepsy – A heavier dose ranging between 200-300mg and should be taken orally.
- Glaucoma – 20-40mg of CBD placed under the tongue. It important to note that anything above 40mg in glaucoma patients will lead to eye pressure.
- Schizophrenia – Patients are required to take 40-1,280 of oral CBD every day until symptoms subside.
As noted from above, most CBD dosages vary because patients are different. In some cases, CBD will be used to treat symptoms but will not cure the disease.
CBD dosage calculator
It is difficult to ascertain the dosage CBD when you don’t have the right equipment. For the people using CBD oils at home, there exists a basic CBD dosage calculator. CBD bottles come with the amount of CBD drops per serving. For instance, it may state that 10 drops of CBD are equivalent to 25mg. It means that 1 drop = 25/10. Which are 2.5 milligrams. For the patient to get how many drops they should take let’s say for a dose of 18mg, they need to divide the 18mg by 2.5mg. Their dosage will be 7.2 drops rounded off to 7 drops.
Firstly, it is always important to seek professional guidance before medicating with marijuana and industrial Hemp CBD extracts – and off course, when calculating the correct dosage. Do not consider rapid increases without consulting your Doctor – it is your body, your health – so get the best advise to make good decisions. Secondly, be careful of CBD that is produced in India or China – since there is no guarantee that the soil is not contaminated, or that pesticides were used on the plants. The US takes the lead when it get’s to ethical CBD production, so buy high quality to ensure maximum enjoyment and safety.