This new weight loss plan attracts all of us who are tired of that “yo-yo dieting” and trying all those new popular diet programs that come out in the media every year. Many of these weight loss programs promise you they work and they do temporarily, but then you gain it right back after you finish the program.
The company involved with Dynamic Diet have written an easy diet plan for helping anyone who wants to lose pounds quickly and “keep it off”. It’s a comprehensive, low calorie menu, easy and quick to follow. Shed the weight and feel great starting today!
The Dynamic Diet program gives you the information and a ready menu and recipes making it easy to run with a first 20 day phase of the program. You will start losing the pounds quickly. If you are a person who has tried many diets unsuccessfully, you will be pleased with results and available guidance. They have included educated information helping you to understand the reasoning behind their suggestions. Remember to combine your diet with regular exercise such as running or swimming with a snorkel
Since the daily meals are already figured, you just need to follow the menu. Even if you do not eat healthy now, or if you already eat healthy but still need to lose weight, this plan will work great. It provides all the protein and fiber from the veggies, needed to successfully bring the weight down. You will lose weight for good. This plan will work for anyone.
Dynamic Diet plan includes 3 phases:
Ignite follows a strict low calorie, low fat, low carbs and no sugar diet plan for minimum of 20 days or more.
Dominate phase helps you continue the program by adding a few more complex grains and more protein, more calories and still lose more weight.
Maintain phase after you have lost the amount you desire, is a way to continue the program for life to keep the weight off.
A weight loss supplement, made by this group, is recommended during Ignite phase. This all natural product is composed of amino acids and herbs. It provides the body with the amino acids you need to help with metabolism, to decrease inflammation, supply energy and reduce fat.
The herbs in this formula are known for weight loss. Some you may have read about are Maca, Rhodiola and African Mango. Overall, this product aids with building up muscle and helping supply you with essential nutrients.
Dynamic Diet continues for the rest of your life, in Maintain phase, on the weekdays. And letting you take off or splurge on weekends, within reason, no bingeing of course! If it’s too hard to quit drinking alcohol, it could be a good idea to try an alcohol monitoring device to keep you accountable. This way your family knows you haven’t been drinking and you will be more motivated.
Important information is included on how certain disorders, health issues or exercises can affect your weight. Food addiction and cravings are not just due to a lack of willpower. There are many “dirty little secrets” with unhealthy processed foods which is an unfair advantage for those trying their hardest to lose the pounds!
Sugar is the usual culprit behind Cravings and this is what causes many metabolic disorders like Thyroid, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and even aging. Eating disorders, two of the most well-known, anorexia and bulimia, are now treatable. Other less well known disorders, like bingeing, also play a big part in obesity and weight gain.
Emotional responses to eating can become an automatic habit. Eating could be your answer to stress or sad situations. Anxiety, depression or boredom gives you reasons to eat, this is an emotional hunger that feels real.
Dynamic Diet authors understands how this can happen and give you ways to deal with these emotions. Do you eat fast or pace yourself, or eat “till stuffed to the gills”? This could be due to distraction and you almost forget what you are doing, shoveling in the food…like during a TV show. Achieving relief from these disorders and controlling those emotions can help you be successful in weight control.
Stress busters like sports or exercise aids are discussed to increase your feel-good hormones. You can help calm the mind with Yoga, meditation and breathing. Sleeping is very important, as explained in this sleep tips infographic. Dynamic Diet gives you suggestions on how to achieve sleep in a regular healthy pattern and regulate hormones cortisol and melatonin. This regulates the fat metabolism and the appetite control mechanism.
In summary, the information, content and menu are laid out with easy instructions. Dynamic Diet includes lists of recommended foods, do’s and don’ts, daily menus with recipes. And they have support available to help you with your weight loss or questions. Dynamic Diet is a great program for all who desire to finally lose those pounds. Try this very effective meal plan. It works and you will look great. Start today!
Author: Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist, is a Natural Health Consultant helping individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness and happiness. Cindy is a speaker, writer and entrepreneur of several businesses.