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How to Ensure Your Baby Gets the Best Sleep

Sleep is a significant part of every child’s routine and a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. Also, studies have revealed that children who get regular sleep have better behavior, enhanced attention, memory, learning, and general physical and mental health. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants under the age of one must get a maximum of 12 to 16 hours of sleep.

This means that it is essential to establish a bedtime routine to help your baby get the best sleep. But how do you do that?

Ways to Help Your Baby Get the Rest They Require

Safety First

There are some safety precautions that you must follow every time you put your baby to sleep. This will help prevent complications like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). To keep your kid safe, you must keep loose bedding and soft objects out of your baby’s crib, avoid using positioners and wedges and more importantly, never cover your baby’s head to prevent overheating.

In addition to that, make sure that your baby sleeps on their back to prevent SIDS, and try as much as possible to avoid co-sleeping with your baby.

Know Your Baby’s Needs

During the initial two months of your baby’s life, their desire to eat overrides their need to rest. They might feed almost every two hours, especially if you are breastfeeding exclusively, and if you are bottle feeding, your child might feed frequently.

Your child might sleep for ten to eighteen hours or even three to four hours. However, they cannot differentiate between day and night. This means they sleep regardless of the time. It is therefore essential to know your child’s needs; besides, timing is crucial. So get into action with the initial sight of sleepiness.


According to WebMD, swaddling helps babies sleep. Also, during the first few months of your baby’s life, their sleep routine changes so fast that you might give up on swaddling. You might swaddle them too loose or even get discouraged when they scream too much.

Swaddling is worth giving the shot as long as your baby is young to move. Besides, there are many versions of swaddles that can help your baby get a good nights’ sleep. For instance, the magic sleep suit gives the baby peace of mind and helps them establish a sleep pattern.

Spend Time Together

Have you noticed that children tend to become unsettled during bedtime? Well, this is usually because they are hoping for more attention from you. When you work full-time during the day and come back home in the evening, your child will need your attention. On the other hand, if you are at home all the time with your child, they tend to rely on you for comfort.

So, spend some time with your child, tell them nice things. If you have an infant, spend at least five to ten minutes making eye contact and cuddling; sing to them and say some calming words.

Sleep is crucial to your baby’s health and well-being. Kids who don’t get enough sleep might have trouble during the day and find it hard to establish a sleeping routine. Therefore, it is essential to understand your child’s needs, make sure they are safe, swaddle, and spend some time together.