Noise pollution is caused by excessive noise that harms the activity of human and animal life. Exposure to high pitch noise level from industrial machinery, heavy vehicles, aircraft, gunfire, sporting events, firecrackers, rock concerts or from player’s instruments can cause complete loss of hearing. So, for protection against noise pollution, choosing the best earplug is a must.
An earplug is a device which is inserted in the ears to protect them from noise pollution, heavy metal music or from the intrusion of water, foreign bodies, dust, and excessive wind. Furthermore, earplugs are sometimes used during sleep due to snoring or because of hypersensitivity to night time noise.
Types of Earplugs
Foam Earplugs: Made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyurethane (PU), these earplugs provide comfort as well as protection. Once they are inserted they expand to provide a snug and secure the ear completely. It is suitable for people having a soundproof sleep.
Silicone Earplugs: These earplugs are rolled into a ball and molded carefully to fit the external portion of the ear canal. These earplugs are best for swimmers to keep the water out
Airplane Earplugs: They are made from the soft hypoallergenic silicone material and are best suited for people flying jets or planes.
When to Wear Earplugs
Sleeping: Approximately 30% of the world’s population doesn’t get a sound sleep. So, earplugs are viable solutions for gaining relief from heavy snorers, noisy neighbors, and traffic noises. Wearing them will help in having a soundproof sleep without irritation.
Noise pollution: Living in a noisy environment such as living around machinery, lawn equipment, loud music and firecrackers can lead to partial or permanent hearing loss. So, sound plugs should be worn to prevent such damage to ears.
Shooting: The average gunfire shot is about 140 dB, which can cause permanent hearing loss. Therefore, whether shooting the gun or standing near the gunfire earplugs are compulsory for protection against noise.
Music: Musicians spend a lot of time playing musical instruments and expose themselves to damaging noise levels. For them, high fidelity earplugs are best that reduce the noise and preserve the original musical quality.
Swimming: Earplugs are necessary for swimmers to keep water out of the ear. Excessive exposure to water can cause an ear infection or perforation in the eardrum.
Flying: Earplugs while flying are used to equalize the rapid change in air pressure and prevent popping and pain in the ears.
Benefits of Earplugs
It is quite instructive to examine some of the benefits of an earplug with respect to its usability and health benefits.
They are: small and easy to carry about and convenient to use in confined work areas. Furthermore, they can be easily used with other safety equipment, and for long term use in hot and humid work environments, these earplugs are the best.
However, prolonged and incorrect use of the earplugs can lead to irritation of ear canal, earwax compaction, and ear infection. So use the earplugs with caution. Be careful with the movement of the body to avoid contact with the ears while sleeping.
Always clean them thoroughly and make sure to limit the use of the earplugs as much as possible. The ears are very delicate, without the proper attention they can develop an infection and even hearing loss.