Have you ever been talking to someone and suddenly realized that a whining noise was occurring in your ear? Or perhaps you’ve gone to a loud rock concert only to hear buzzing hours after dancing and cheering close to the stage? More commonly known as “ear ringing,” tinnitus is a common condition in which the afflicted person hears a high-pitched noise or buzz in one ear or both ears. In some cases, it accompanies other hearing problems, including the loss of hearing. In addition to being uncomfortable and annoying, when accompanying hearing loss, tinnitus can really complicate your life. For those reasons, you should understand the underlying causes of tinnitus, as well as different options for treatment or even legal action.
How Can You Get Tinnitus?
Tinnitus may be triggered by exposure to loud noises or music, as well as sustained injuries or trauma to the ears or head. Frequently, tinnitus accompanies whiplash or concussions, both of which can happen in falls or car accidents. Because tinnitus sometimes comes and goes, it’s often hard to trace the cause back to a single source. However, if you’ve recently been in a car accident and are facing quality-of-life complications because of tinnitus, it may be worth consulting with an attorney to learn whether or not you may have a legal case. Just because the affliction can be dismissed as “ringing” in your ears, doesn’t meant that it isn’t a life-changing condition.
Treatments for Tinnitus
Sometimes, tinnitus goes away on its own, which can be one of the most frustrating aspects of tinnitus. You might think that you are fine, only to have the buzzing in your ears return several hours later. One way to treat the symptoms of tinnitus is with the safe, over-the-counter product Tinnitus 911. An all-natural supplement, Tinnitus 911 has helped many people deal with the ringing in their ears.
Anti-anxiety drugs and steroids have also been shown to help address the ringing associated with tinnitus. In very severe cases, retraining therapy or even masking devices (similar to hearing aids) may be used to try to address the problem. These methods attempt to reframe the obnoxious ringing in one’s ear that can cause so many problems for sufferers of tinnitus. Even so, tinnitus can be notoriously tricky to treat, which is why some people seek legal action when another entity is at fault for their condition.
Tinnitus Legal Settlements
Consulting with and retaining legal counsel may be your best option to receive a settlement from tinnitus if it has been caused by a crash in a car. This is because consulting with a car accident lawyer in Halifax or another area of Canada will provide you with insight that is trustworthy and locally applicable. A lawyer can offer multiple avenues with which to pursue your legal case. Astonishingly, many people do not pursue legal recourse for tinnitus, even when they know that it was caused by another driver in an accident. In one case, an individual received a settlement of $400,000 as a result of the problems she sustained from tinnitus and a car accident. That woman had been willing to walk away with a much smaller insurance settlement, even though tinnitus was severely harming her way of life.
While the causes of tinnitus vary, you have several ways to approach the complications tinnitus causes, once it has been diagnosed. If you’ve sought over-the-counter solutions or other medical options and have yet to cure your condition, it may be worth considering legal action as well, if you can trace your tinnitus to a car crash or other accident.