Your kid should not spend a minute worrying if you’re taking after these tips

Teach him that oral care is important

Having with them a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, wax, and lip balm is a smart way to do things for kids when they are far from home. This helps the kid be prepared when it comes to brackets accidents and keeps him responsible for his health. It’s advisable for to have them in their bags everytime they go away.

The process of cleaning

Having brackets is an important thing, but what’s more important is how they’re taking care of their oral health, teeth and gums while having the brackets. This is essential to when they’re going to take them off. The whole process – flossing and mouthwash – should be done before going to sleep, due to the time because this can take some minutes and it’s important for kids to get to know the whole process.

About rubber bands

If your child needs to use rubber bands, make sure they have lots of them at themselves all the time, because one can break and they need more. They should also be replaced from time to time because they can get deteriorated – try after every meal. They’re very important because they stop the hooks from hurting kids’ cheeks and they also let the treatment do its job.

Keep in mind that if your kid forgets to wear rubber bands one day, they should not use it in a double measure, one is enough.

About loose or broken wires

It’s extremely important to go to the orthodontist as soon as you see a wire or a bracket loose in your kid’s mouth. They should be fastened. This can be done at home, too, but it’s advisable you don’t.

If a wire or a bracket breaks, the broken parts can be covered with wax or wet piece of cotton until you get to the orthodontist. There’s no reason for you to panic. The kid should try to keep it there as it is, without breaking any more pieces, because this could lead to an issue which should be worked on by the doctor in a more complicated manner. Also, make sure that you take your kid to the orthodontist regularly to see how things turn out to be. Orthodontists is you best buddy in times like these.

About the general discomfort

Put some lip balm on your kid’s lips before getting the brackets on, or even tightened. His lips are going to be dry after keeping the mouth open for that long of a time, even for an hour – this could really help.

Also, keep in mind that after this process, his jaw may become sore and his teeth might become sensitive to biting in the next few days. Cleaning his mouth with salt in warm water can help in reducing the pain. If the pain is still there, give him some pills for pain. An aspirin should do.