4 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

Although there’s nothing unhealthy about cellulite, it’s a common problem that many people would love to get rid of. Cellulite is caused by fat deposits under the skin that give your thighs, buttocks, and stomach a dimpled appearance. Cellulite is a frustrating problem many people deal with, but luckily there are effective ways to get rid of it! These four tips will help minimize cellulite while maximizing your confidence. 

1. Exercising 

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Having a good exercise routine can drastically minimize the appearance of cellulite. Certain exercises in particular can help build muscle, reduce fat, and firm up your skin. It’s important to have a routine that effectively combines cardio with strength training. Although long sessions of low intensity cardio can be a great way to burn calories, combining strength and cardio in high intensity workouts will get you the best results.

Squats are an amazing workout for minimizing cellulite because they target your thighs and buttocks. These are generally the worst spots for cellulite, so it’s important to work those areas more than others. In addition to regular squats, jump squats provide you with cardio and strength training. Other great exercises include deadlifts, step-ups, and leg kick-backs. Here is a helpful list of 10 exercises that target cellulite for your workout routine.

Try a variety of workouts to find ones that you like and that challenge your ability levels. Be sure to mix up your workout every two weeks so your body is forced to adapt. This kind of exercise routine will keep your muscles toned while minimizing the skin dimpling that’s caused by cellulite. 

2. Healthy Diet 

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A healthy diet can do wonders for reducing cellulite. Cutting back on salt and staying hydrated are two of the first steps you can take.

Drinking green tea or at least plenty of water is an easy, cheap, and effective way of getting rid of cellulite. Not only does staying hydrated improve the overall health of your skin, it also helps eliminate toxins that often lead to fat buildup. Replacing coffee with green tea will further encourage your body to flush out toxins while building up your skin’s natural collagen. 

In addition to staying hydrated, you want to keep your body in an alkaline state. The best way to accomplish this is to eat more of a plant-based diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce contains incredibly healthy antioxidants that help you naturally reduce cellulite. Try incorporating more green smoothies, salads, and raw soups into your diet. If you’re not able to follow a vegan diet, simply limiting your consumption of meat and dairy will make a huge difference to your cellulite and overall health. 

“Along with vegetables, include oily fish such as salmon or tuna in your diet,”says Brooks Bassler, the head chef at BB’s Tex-Orleans, a Cajun cuisine restaurant where he cooks seafood on a daily basis.—“Omega-3 fatty acid in seafood restores skin’s tissue, keeps it strong and elastic. Fish is also a great source of antioxidants that can destroy fat cells and significantly reduce cellulite.”

3. Massage Therapy

Image source: Pixabay

Massage therapy is an effective way to reduce cellulite that often gets overlooked. Instead of looking at massages as luxuries, try seeing them for what they are – an important part of your daily health routine. Sometimes you just don’t have time for a 90 minute Swedish massage, but that doesn’t mean you should skip a session of massage therapy.  

Gently massaging your skin on a daily basis or at least a few times a week encourages lymphatic drainage and greatly reduces the appearance of cellulite. Find body massagers that have multiple points on them to target troublesome fat pockets. Dry brushing your body before showering is also an effective way to boost your circulation and help your body detoxify. 

4. Cosmetic Machine Treatments

For those who don’t have time for exercising, can’t give up their favorite treats, and want to get faster results than the ones massage therapy offers, there are machine treatments available. Though coming at a higher price, modern technological advancements allow to fight stubborn cellulite faster with non-invasive treatments.

The three of the most popular ones are BTL Cellutone, Venus Legacy, and Cellfina. Below are the summaries of these treatments. If you think one of them could work for you, learn more about each in detail on the official site of Dr. Olga Bachilo—a noted plastic surgeon and beautician from Houston TX, the capital of American beauty treatment industry.

BTL Cellutone Treatment 

BTL Cellutone Treatment is a completely non-invasive, pain-free treatment that effectively reduces cellulite. The treatment also provides an overall improvement in skin texture and firmness. 

Cellulite is caused by enlarged fat deposits that form just under the skin and create skin dimpling. BTL Cellutone uses mechanical vibrations to target these fat deposits in order to promote circulation and encourage drainage. The treatment finds problem areas and leaves you with smooth, firm skin. Many patients see a drastic reduction in cellulite and dimpling after just one treatment, but further treatment can remove most cellulite. 

Venus Legacy Technology 

Venus Legacy Technology combines two unique treatments in order to effectively remove cellulite while producing firm, tight, and healthy skin. A combination of VariPulse Multipolar Radio Frequency technology and Magnetic Pulse Therapy penetrates the skin fat cells to promote collagen production and to improve circulation. The powerful combination of energy and heat breaks down fat cells while removing toxins from the body that encourage cellulite growth. 

After the procedure skin tightens by up to 80%. This non-invasive treatment works fast and requires no downtime, so you can go about your day as soon as the treatments done.

Cellfina Treatment

The Cellfina Treatment eliminates cellulite for up to three years. Simple, safe, and clinically proven to treat cellulite and accompanying dimpling, this treatment focuses on the structural level of cellulite.

Dimpling occurs when the connective bands that separate skin fat cells pull on the skin. These bands pull tight on the skin and cause the unsightly puckering that makes cellulite so undesirable. One Cellfina Treatment releases the pulling tension and allows the skin to relax and to become smooth. As an added bonus, the treatment is painless and takes less than an hour.