Baby carriers have made it easy for parents to carry their kids. However, if they are not used properly, they can cause more harm than good. It all depends on how your baby sits in his or her carrier.
Hip dysplasia is a common problem in children, which is most often caused by the use of non-ergonomic baby carriers. Having the right information will help you know how to prevent your child from suffering from this condition. Hip dysplasia occurs when the baby’s thigh bones do not fit into the hip joint socket. There are many causes of hip dysplasia. One of them is by swaddling the baby while they are tightly wrapped in a blanket. When swaddling your baby make sure that your child can move freely.
Keep in mind that you may not immediately see the symptoms of hip dysplasia. One of the signs that you need to look for is whether your baby’s hip is easy to open. Once the child starts walking, it’s easier to diagnose if the child is limping when walking. As a parent, you can take precautions by buying a baby carrier, which protects your child’s hips and legs, these are called ergonomic baby carriers. Make sure that your baby’s hips are separated out in a squat position instead of allowing them to hang down. This will allow the hips of the child to be open while wrapped around you.
The risk of a child getting hip dysplasia is typically high in the first few months of their lives. In addition to taking proper precautions with how you carry them in a carrier, you should also make sure that you are swaddling them correctly. When wrapping the baby in a swaddle, make sure that you leave the area around his or her hips loose, so they can move their hips and legs freely.
No parent wants to see their baby suffer with something that can be easily prevented. For this reason, you should make sure that you choose the best baby carrier. Many carriers on the market have been designed for the proper development of your child especially in the hips. Again, make sure that it properly supports your baby’s legs, which does not put any pressure on the hips. Stay away from any carriers that will support only the crotch area and leave the legs hanging in an unnatural position.
Proper swaddling can prevent the hip problem from occurring. If you are worried about your child having hip dysplasia, make sure to discuss with your doctor when you take your baby for their regular examinations so that your child can be checked. Remember, the tests are vital for children in the first six months.