Some people are lucky because they can sleep well naturally. However, others are not so fortunate, and they endure a night of tossing and turning. This lack of sleep can leave you feeling grumpy and fatigued during the day. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation has more intense consequences than ruining your mood. Poor sleep can lead to serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, impaired cognitive functions, and cardiovascular diseases, so it is important to identify the causes of bad sleep as early as possible.
- Stress
Research indicates that about 40% of adults lie awake at night because of racing thoughts. We all live in a busy world, and sometimes the demands of your work can leave you stressed and tired. If the stress of the day weighs on you, it can be hard to doze off. The best way to fix this problem is to set aside time to wind down before going to bed. You can find something relaxing to do like meditating or listening to music. You can also read a book or have a chat with a family member. Anything that allows you to relax or have a quiet time will reduce your stress level and will enable you to get quality sleep.
- Medication
Some prescriptions have an impact on your sleeping habits and they can lead to insomnia or disrupt the quality of your sleep. If you have recently changed your medication and you are struggling to sleep, chances are that the pills are ruining your sleep, and you need to talk to your doctor. Medicine that is used for the treatment of heart problems, blood pressure, as well as some anti-depressants often cause sleeplessness. Most medications that contain stimulants will keep you awake at night, so you should try to take them earlier in the day or less frequently so that you can get some sleep.
- Too Much Screen Time
One of the most common causes of sleep deprivation is due to our hormones. Melatonin, which is responsible for making you sleep, is regulated by light., which is why there is often a link between melatonin levels and sleep. Whether the light is natural or artificial, the blue light triggers the brain to stay awake by reducing the production of melatonin. When it is dark, your melatonin levels increase, signalling your body that it is bedtime. If you watch TV late at night, read your emails, or chat on your phone, you are disturbing the natural circadian rhythm. You will sleep better if you turn off all of your screens at least two hours before bed and dim any light in the room.
- Bad Sleeping Environment
Many people pay little attention to their sleeping environment, but it can seriously affect the quality of sleep that you have. For instance, the mattress you sleep on can determine the quality of your sleep. A firm mattress will provide the adequate support you need to rest, but a soft mattress is often more comfortable. Temperatures in your room can also disturb your sleep, and if the room is too hot or cold, you are likely to toss and turn. Your bedroom temperature should be around 15 – 18°C in order to get a good night’s sleep, so keep your room as cool as you can at night.
- Respiratory Issues
If you have respiratory problems, you will often have difficulty breathing, which may interrupt your sleep at night. A respiratory infection can obstruct your airways causing shortness of breath and can jolt you out of sleep. However, you don’t have to stay up at night due to breathing problems. Instead, you can get CPAP machines via Sleepify or a mask to help you control your breathing.
- Stimulants Before Bed
Many people power through the day by drinking coffee but what coffee lovers don’t tell you is that they stay up late and can wake up multiple times throughout the night. If you want to sleep better, you should avoid drinking caffeine late in the day. Alcohol can also interrupt your sleep patterns, even though most people think that it aids their sleep. It can cause drowsiness and lead to dehydration, which will make you wake up in the middle of the night, so it is best to avoid any stimulants before bed.
While losing sleep is common from time to time, you should always speak to a doctor or health care professional if you have ongoing problems with sleep. This is because you may need to address any underlying issues to avoid further health problems that may cause you to lose sleep. So if you are losing sleep regularly and don’t know what to do, it is worth making some simple changes to see if you can solve the problem.