Constantly Fatigued? Here’s 5 Possible Reasons Why


Fatigue is something many people experience but don’t pay too much attention to because they believe it must have a rational harmless cause. Yet, if nothing else, constantly feeling tired is a problem in itself since it inhibits one’s ability to fully exert themselves on the tasks at hand.

Fatigue is the root cause of at least 100,000 road accidents each year. Some of the worst industrial accidents in modern history such as the Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Exxon Valdez disasters were due to worker fatigue. There are numerous possible causes of fatigue. We look at some of the more common ones.


  • Lack of Exercise


It might sound odd but a failure to exercise can in fact make you feel tired. Exercise reinvigorates the body and sets you in the physical and mental mood required to tackle the challenges of the day.

You don’t have to do an hour-long workout. Committing to as little as 20 or 30 minutes of fairly rigorous exercise such as cycling or running on a regular basis can raise your energy levels, boost endurance and bolster strength in a way that enhances your body’s overall efficiency.


  • Dehydration


Medical researchers found that as little as a two-percent drop in body fluid can significantly impair energy levels due to the subsequent drop in blood volume. A failure to drink enough water can therefore cause or worsen fatigue.

More specifically, dehydration makes blood circulation less efficient which in turn limits the speed at which nutrients and oxygen get to vital muscles and organs. While the recommended 8 glasses of water a day is often seen as a means to detoxify the body, it’s role in ensuring an active and productive day is just as important.


  • Iron Deficiency


If you’ve been diagnosed with iron deficiency or know someone who has, you’ll now that one of the symptoms is fatigue, weakness and an inability to concentrate. When the body isn’t getting the amount of iron it needs, there’s a reduction in the oxygen that gets to body cells. Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, the part of the blood responsible for transporting oxygen.

You can boost your iron intake by incorporating iron-rich foods such as lean beef, eggs, nuts and dark leafy vegetables. If you have to take iron supplements, make sure they’re from an organization whose quality control have been independently assessed by a reputable entity such as EMMA International FDA consulting firm.


  • Stress


Stress isn’t something that only affects your mind; it has an impact on your physical wellbeing too. Stress can cause physical exhaustion. Of course, no one can live a completely stress-free life. It’s to be expected that the average person with be stressed out and anxious every now and then.

What’s important is finding mechanisms of quickly getting around and beyond it. One way is to take a deep breath and evaluate how significant your concerns are. Are they really worth stressing yourself over? You’ll often find that the problem is much smaller than it seems. If this doesn’t work, seek professional help from your doctor.


  • Skimming on Breakfast


Can you stay 8 hours without food? Probably but you are likely to be famished at the end of it and thus require a heavy meal to replenish your strength. A good night’s sleep should run for anywhere between 7 and 9 hours. That means going without food for this entire period.

This is why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip it or eat too lightly, you’ll have pushed your ‘fast’ by a further 4-6 hours which will considerably weaken you. Ergo, your breakfast must be good enough to get you through the day. If your morning routine makes it difficult to eat well, try taking an energy bar or a fruit smoothie.

When you are constantly tired, it’s your body talking to you. Don’t brush it off. Get to the root of the problem before it gets out of hand.