Just as food and water, sleep is also crucial to your physical and mental health. However, in today’s fast-paced world, healthy sleep has become something of an indulgence. A good night’s sleep has fallen down the list of priorities behind work, chores, entertainment and social time. Apart from that, insomnia may badly impair your physical and mental health as well. So, good sleep is as vital as water and food in your daily routine.
What is Healthy Sleep?
How easy is it to comment whether you’re sleeping healthy? This question can be tricky to answer, especially when your working hours or shifts rotate frequently.In such circumstances, it gets hard to measure your sleep patterns against those who work normal day shifts around you. A study launched by Kallysleep into the sleep sector to try and understand more about what people expect from a good sleep and sleep-related problems revealed staggering results.
Optimally, adults should receive between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. These needs, however, still vary individually. Some people feel best with 8 consecutive hours of sleep, while others do well with 6 to 7 hours at night and daytime napping. Few people feel all right when their sleep schedule changes. Others feel very affected by a new schedule or even a single night of insufficient sleep.
As much as a wide variation in healthy sleep exists from one individual to another, here are some healthy sleep statements that you can rely on to check if your sleep is on track. Any shift workers who don’t agree with most of these statements could make changes in their behaviors and routines to improve their sleep.
– You should regularly sleep a total of 7-9 hours in 24 hours
– You must fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes of lying down to sleep
– While on your bed, your sleep should be uninterrupted without long periods of lying awake
– After sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed
– You feel alert and fully productive throughout the waking hours
– Your sleep partner or family does not notice any disturbing behavior from you while asleep
Tips for Healthy Sleep
Healthy sleep may emanate from customizing your body and brain into having better, longer and more restorative sleep duration. Here are some ideas and tricks to boost your sleep quality.
Establish a sleep routine – Whether on workdays, weekends, holidays or vacations, establishing a regular bedtime and sticking to it can train your body as well as your mind to get a night of better sleep.
Cut out caffeine – Caffeine is an addictive stimulant. Don’t consume foods or beverages that contain caffeine, especially 4 hours before shut-eye. Some examples of food and drinks that contain caffeine include tea, soft drinks, and chocolate.
Kick your pet or disturbing friend out of the room – As much as you may adore sleeping with your bothersome family members or pets, it’s time to keep them away in a separate room if they seem to give you more sleep disruptions. Staying with pestilent animals or friends only rewards you with lower quality sleep.
Switch off or put down your phone – With the outburst of social media interaction in this generation, this might be the toughest tip to execute. If you can vow and adhere to keeping away any electronics at least one hour before bed, you’ll be inviting a better and relaxed sleep.